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Faculty and Staff Disability Resolution Procedures

The University of Maryland does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, color religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, age, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs and activities. 

The University has adopted the University of Maryland Disability & Accessibility Policy and Procedures (UMD Policy No. VI-1.00(D) (the “Disability Policy”) to govern the provision of accommodations to members of the University community. Faculty and staff who need workplace accommodations should contact University Human Resources (UHR).

In certain cases, faculty or staff may have concerns or complaints about University-provided disability accommodations, services, denials, the accommodation process, or compliance with approved accommodations by other University employees. In such cases, faculty and staff can utilize the processes described below to attempt to resolve such concerns or lodge complaints.

While faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to follow the steps in this procedure, a faculty or staff member need not go through each step herein before making a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education or the Department of Justice. Contact information for these agencies is also listed below.

There may be many reasons why faculty and staff have disability access concerns or complaints, including but not limited to disability workplace accommodations:

  • A requested accommodation was not approved because there was a determination that the condition/documentation did not support the requested accommodation;

  • The requested accommodation was deemed not reasonable (i.e. because it would constitute a Fundamental Alteration of the program, an Undue Administrative or Financial Burden, a Direct Threat to health and safety, etc.);

  • The individual contends that the approved accommodation is not effective;

  • The individual believes that the approved accommodation has not been properly implemented;

  • Inaccessible Environment (i.e. Facilities and Grounds, Digital, Communications);

  • A non-ADA compliant policy or procedure;

  • Disclosure of sensitive disability information beyond those with a legal right to know; and/or.

  • The individual feels that they were subject to a discriminatory policy or procedure.

The University has adopted the following review and complaint procedures to resolve these or other concerns or complaints that individuals may have about the accommodation process:

Informal Resolution and Internal Review Procedures

UHR Appeal Process

Before filing an ADA complaint with the University, individuals are asked to make a good-faith effort to resolve the concern through the accommodation process facilitated by UHR and/or OFA. UHR and/or OFA will meet with the employee as soon as possible and attempt to resolve the concern through informal resolution. Every reasonable effort should be made to resolve issues at these levels before filing a formal complaint.


The University of Maryland Ombuds Services. An ombuds is a person who can be consulted by members of the university community who want information about University policies relating to their activities or who encounter problems that they cannot resolve through ordinary means (e.g., student to faculty member, staff to supervisor, faculty member to department chair). An ombuds listens to concerns, brainstorms strategies to address the concerns, provides resources and information, and tries to assist in addressing the concerns. Sometimes the ombuds simply listens and helps to develop strategies for addressing concerns. At other times, with permission from the student, the ombuds contacts other involved parties and attempts to work out mutually satisfactory solutions.

ADA Coordinator

If at any time an individual has questions or is not sure about their options, they may reach out to the ADA Coordinator to consult. Phone: 301-405-2841 or email:

Formal Complaint

If the matter is still not resolved, individuals who believe they have been denied reasonable accommodations, discriminated against on the basis of disability, or retaliated against may file a complaint under the UMD Non-Discrimination Policy with the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM) using the Discrimination Complaint Form.

Additional Complaint Options

Employees also have the right at any time to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Phone: 800-669-4000

Maryland Commission on Civil Rights
Phone: 410-767-8600

Employees can also file an Americans with Disabilities Act complaint through the US Department of Justice alleging disability discrimination.

US Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Civil Rights Division
Disability Rights Section 1425 NYAV
Washington, D.C. 20530
Fax: (202) 307-1197

If you have questions about filing an ADA complaint, please call:
ADA Information Line: 800-514-0301 (voice) or 800-514-0383(TTY).

Updated April 15, 2024